spatstat 1.51-0
08 May 2017
We thank Greg McSwiggan, Mehdi Moradi and Tammy L Silva for contributions.
New fast algorithm for kernel smoothing on a linear network.
Leverage and influence diagnostics extended to Poisson/Gibbs models fitted by logistic composite likelihood.
Two-stage Monte Carlo test.
Dirichlet/Voronoi tessellation on a linear network.
Thinning of point patterns on a linear network.
More support for functions and tessellations on a linear network.
Improvements and bug fixes.
bits.test Balanced Independent Two-Stage Monte Carlo test, an improvement on the Dao-Genton test.
lineardirichlet Computes the Dirichlet-Voronoi tessellation associated with a point pattern on a linear network.
domain.lintess, domain.linfun Extract the linear network from a ‘lintess’ or ‘linfun’ object.
summary.lintess Summary of a tessellation on a linear network.
clicklpp Interactively add points on a linear network.
envelopeArray Generate an array of envelopes using a function that returns ‘fasp’ objects.
density.lpp New fast algorithm (up to 1000 times faster) for the default case where kernel=”gaussian” and continuous=TRUE. Generously contributed by Greg McSwiggan.
leverage.ppm, influence.ppm, dfbetas.ppm These methods now work for models that were fitted by logistic composite likelihood (method=’logi’).
rthin Argument X can now be a point pattern on a linear network (class ‘lpp’).
fitted.ppm New option: type = “link”
update.kppm New argument ‘evaluate’.
integral.linfun New argument ‘delta’ controls step length of approximation to integral.
as.linim.default New argument ‘delta’ controls spacing of sample points in internal data.
as.linfun.lintess New argument ‘values’ specifies the function value for each tile. New argument ‘navalue’.
leverage.ppm, influence.ppm, dfbetas.ppm Results for Gibbs models were incorrect due to a mathematical error. (Results for Poisson models were correct). Fixed.
leverage.ppm, influence.ppm, dfbetas.ppm, ppmInfluence Calculations were incorrect for a Geyer model fitted using an edge correction other than “border” or “none”. Fixed.
step, kppm, update.kppm ‘step’ did not work for kppm objects in some cases due to a scoping problem in update.kppm. Fixed.
improve.kppm Crashed if the window was not a rectangle. Fixed.
pcf.ppp, pcfinhom Crashed if kernel=”epa” rather than “epanechnikov”. Fixed.
alltypes Crashed if envelope=TRUE and reuse=FALSE. Fixed.
pairdist.lpp, nndist.lpp, nnwhich.lpp, nncross.lpp Crashed if the network was disconnected. Fixed.
-, as.linim.linim Additional arguments such as ‘eps’ and ‘dimyx’ were ignored. Fixed.
- Arguments ‘eps and ‘xy’ were ignored if X was a single numeric value. Fixed.
‘timed’ class Printing of these objects did not work in some locales. Fixed.
runifpoint Ignored ‘drop’ argument if the window was a rectangle. Fixed.
Release notes are available in raw text format here.